Learn Hieroglyphs in 20 Minutes a Day

Learn -- and Actually Remember -- How to Read the Hieroglyphs You'll See in Museums and on Trips to Egypt

Seriously, all you need to learn hieroglyphs is 20 minutes a day and the right plan.

I know you may have tried before and not made the progress you wanted -- and I know exactly why this is because I've seen it hundreds of times in my students before they came to me. We're going to talk about what the problem is and how to fix it.

Join Melinda Nelson-Hurst, Egyptologist and creator of Voices of Ancient Egypt, for this free workshop on Wednesday, November 29 at 1:00 PM CT

Limited-time replay will be available

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Here's what you'll learn in our LIVE workshop:

  • The exact schedule you need to make the hieroglyphs you learn really stick
  • Science-backed strategies for how to learn and remember more in less time
  • The 1 thing you must do to avoid wasting time when studying hieroglyphs (everyone skips this!)
  • How you can create an effective study plan without dedicating hours a day – leaving the overwhelm, exhaustion, and confusion behind
  • How to break down your studies into chunks that increase understanding and memory – and a visual map of what to do when!

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Meet Melinda Nelson-Hurst, Ph.D.:

If we haven’t met at a conference, online Egyptology talk, or Mardi Gras…
Hi, I’m Melinda -- Egyptologist and teacher (online and in the university classroom), human and cat mama, tea drinker, and introvert who enjoys Mardi Gras -- especially the Egypt-themed parades, of course -- with a passion for teaching Egyptophiles how to read the hieroglyphs they see in museums and on trips to Egypt.



We do things differently around here:

Fast-Track Study Plan

The exact schedule you need to create an effective study plan without dedicating hours a day – leaving the overwhelm, exhaustion, and confusion behind

Science-Backed Strategies

The specific plan you need to make the hieroglyphs you learn really stick. Discover how to learn and remember more in less time

Blueprint Breakdown

What to study and how to break it down to increase understanding and memory - and a visual map of what to do when!

Bust Time-Wasters

The 1 thing you must do to avoid wasting time when studying hieroglyphs (everyone skips this!)

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